Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Twitter Naked

Twitter is exposed.

I stumbled across this blog, and now I finally have the words to express to everyone who asks me exactly what Twitter is and what it can do. If you have had the same problem, go here:

and you'll find the solution. :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Great Places to Look for Insight

Getting started freelancing is tough. Especially when you don't have the patience to, well, be patient. In my case, trying to build business while maintaining a full-time job is proving to be more difficult each day, so I'm constantly looking for good advice from people who have been there, done that. Earlier in the year, I was sure that every single writing professional was determined to keep their secrets of success to themselves, but after much digging and link-following, I'm happy to report that's not the case. They're out there, and they really do want to help.

A Publication Coach.
Recently I was introduced to the idea of a life coach... and stumbled across a publication coach instead. Her name is Daphne Gray-Grant and her website, newsletter and free articles are jam-packed with valuable information. She'll provide tips on writing better, faster. She's got a great background in the industry; she literally grew up in the newspaper business. She's doing what she loves, and therefore puts her heart and soul into her work. It's inspiring, among other things!

Quips and Tips.
Talk about being stuffed with information! Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen's site is, as I've stated before, the first place I go when I need advice about the freelance business. Not only does she cite reliable sources of many reference books, but she puts them in her own words and applies the advice directly to her readers. I have purchased several of the books she recommends and they have all proven useful. Her site is easy to navigate, and better yet, each link leads me to great inspiration. She doesn't generalize information; here you'll find specific examples of how to better yourself as a writer.

Keep up on the latest industry news at while reading loads of useful content. Job postings are great to scroll through, and while most of them don't apply directly to me, it still helps to see what employers/editors are looking for with certain positions. There are endless How-To-Pitch articles that tell you exactly what certain publications are looking for, what pitches have worked in the past, and how much they typically pay per article. There are interviews with successful media professionals and community forums where you can post a question and have it answered by other knowledgeable members.

These are the three core places I go for information and advice, pretty much on a daily basis. Like I mentioned before, it's difficult to weed through the unreliable information and find the good stuff but it's obvious when you've landed real advice. You can tell from the background of your sources, and how specific they get with their information. If they generalize, you know they don't have hard examples to share with you... they could just be getting their information from someone else online who hasn't a clue what they're talking about to begin with.

I Just Ate A Cracker With Tuna Salad On It.

Okay, I’ll jump on board with the whole Twitter thing. I think it’s great for networking purposes and sharing an occasional thought or link to something you found interesting. I’ll tell you what I won’t do, though, and that’s post every single little thought that passes through my head, including what I ate for lunch, how my stomach felt after that lunch, and what I’m doodling on my notepad at this very second. I also won’t tell you what shows I plan on watching tonight, nor will I tell you if my PJ’s have scratchy material.

I understand that it’s everyone’s right to post what they want, but the blogsphere is saturated with crap, and it’s getting harder everyday to find valuable, insightful, real information. So I’m asking, in genuine curiosity, what do you people DO for a living? Judging by the amount of time you spend Tweeting and posting on your personal blog, you can’t have much left over for actual work… unless you’ve found a way to get paid for Tweeting and the ad revenue you’re bringing in from your site is out of this world… but I doubt it.

Sorry for the rant, but prove me wrong! Help educate me, because I’m beginning to wonder what the cyber world has come to. Here I am trying my hardest to succeed as a legitimate freelance professional, and when I try to reach out to expand my platform and network there's all this interference from people who feel the need to Tweet (while driving) that they're about to be stopped at a red light. Seriously? Maybe I just need to start unfollowing... a lot of people.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Back From The Dead

I know it's been a while since I've posted... some of my creative outlets were cut off at work... and on top of that my workload has increased threefold. I know, it's a good thing, right? It is. But I also know that I feel like I've been cut off from an entire world of people I don't even know by not having access to Twitter and this blog site during the day. It's a hindrance to my personal success!! I never thought I'd see the day when I would admit that I need Twitter! That's a whole other post in itself.

I have some new ideas for future posts, and plan to go live with them very soon. Included in my ideas are- advice for raising Vizlas (mine, at the moment, has seized a headband of mine and is parading around the house like it's a first place trophy) the process of sticking to a six week workout program and seeing results in time for one of my best friends' wedding, my real feelings about the AP Style book, my progress delving into the freelance world and balancing online work with local work and a completely separate full time job, and last but certainly not least, a book review.

I'll post again soon- don't give up on me my few followers! I promise from here on out, I'll post consistently. That means real information, and unique information. Stay tuned.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Change of Heart...

So you know that sales position I referred to earlier? Well, turns out that sales position has been turned into a hybrid sales/writing position. That changes everything.

If I have to compromise a little of my ultimate goal for a while to get a better feel for the magazine industry and meet the people who could put me ahead, then it's totally worth it. When you add the writing element to sales, it gives me the opportunity to better my sales skills while keeping my true dream in tact. It's perfect. And the best part is that now that I know writing is involved, I have complete confidence that I can do the sales part, even though I don't have any technical experience. It's all attainable. Perhaps I was too closed minded before. This could be the opportunity I've been looking for to open all kinds of doors. It would be a chance to experience Wichita in a way I've not previously done, as well as bring new ideas through the doors of this company. The publication is geared toward an age group that is older than I am, so that might present a slight barrier, but all barriers can be broken if you try hard enough.

I'm not a hard core salesperson, but do I really need to be hard core? I can be persuasive if I truly believe in the product. In this case, I would because it would be a hybrid of my own work coupled with material from a city of which I've devoted a large portion of my life to supporting.

Sales. Persuasion. Success. Determination. Motivation. Satisfaction.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

To Sell or Not to Sell?

Sales. Selling. Salesmen. Outgoing. Rejection. Quick responses.

The profession has never been my objective. I’m shy; only comfortable around those I know well. I developed a new respect for the art of sales when I first met my husband. At the time, he was a national account manager for a well-known local company. It was long hours, a lot of traveling, and many heated conversations, most involving negotiation. I was uncomfortable with it then- and because it was so intimidating, I busied myself working toward a career that was the exact opposite: writing. In fact, my “fear” of sales might actually be worse now because I've become so accustomed to remaining behind the scenes. When I write I don’t have to worry about getting nervous, responding in the wrong tone, uttering the infamous and equally dreaded “uhhhh”, or whether or not my outfit actually matches. Okay, it always matters whether or not my outfit matches. That shouldn’t have been in question to begin with… Anyway, when writing, I have plenty of time to think about what I’m going to say before I say (write) it, and even then most of the time it’s possible to edit what I’ve said, or at least clarify what I’ve said. There’s a comfort zone there that I like- a confidence comes out in my writing that I definitely don’t feel I portray in person.

That being said, I’ve always been okay during interviews, but when it comes to convincing someone why they should spend their money on my product, or why they should do anything, for that matter, my argument is weak. I don’t think quickly enough on my feet, and I need time to come up with a platform. That’s probably one of the major differences between my husband and I. He’s a talker, and generally speaking, I’m not. I’m a listener. So when he’s talking, I’m listening and thinking of points I want to make when he’s done. But because he’s such a talker, it’s usually a while before he’s finished making his point and by that time I have so many points to make I’ve forgotten half of them. I lose. He always tells me it’s not about winning or losing an argument (and by argument, I literally mean we debate topics: discuss and throw around our points of view, not actual yelling arguments) but I feel it’s a personal win if I can make my side of the story heard. When I make a strong enough case that causes him to stop and think “Hmm… interesting thought she has there…” then I know that my communication skills are sharp and clear and that’s a good thing. However, sadly to say, that doesn’t happen very often and when it does, I celebrate a little too much and discredit myself immediately.

Therein lies my dilemma.

I was recommended recently for an account management position with local publication, and I had to think long and hard about it. I was playing phone tag with the director of advertising and had thus plenty of time to ponder my options. The money they were offering was enticing; more than I make right now for the first several months, but after that it would be 100% commission. I hate to say it, but the amount of money being dangled in front of me caused me to sit down and evaluate exactly why I hesitated to jump at the opportunity in the first place.

I admit I’m intimidated by the profession; talking to people non-stop day in and day out isn’t exactly my thing, either. I consider myself an introvert.

At the same time, though, aren’t I going to have to “sell” my own work in the near future to get my freelance career off the ground? Aren’t I going to have to convince editors to publish my work? Will I not need these skills for the rest of my life? I’m wondering if perhaps my personality needs a little bit of an adjustment. In my own defense, it will be easier to sell my own work as opposed to someone else’s product because I’ll believe in it wholeheartedly. I’m not sure I could completely feel that way about other goods and services.

When the ad director and I finally made contact on the phone, I still hadn’t reached my decision on whether I was going to act like ad sales was my destiny and dream, or if I was going to respectfully admit I’m more effective through other print media.

About halfway through the conversation he asked what I was currently doing, what degree I’d obtained from which school, and what direction I’d ultimately like to head.

This was it. This was the moment I’d been waiting for. My head told me that if I acted genuinely interested, I’d get the personal interview and possibly the job. My heart told me that I’d regret waking up every day and trying to sell ad space to local businesses when that’s what every other ad sales professional in the city is already having trouble doing. Print media: the newspapers and all the local magazines are trying to stay afloat in this failing economy and the only way to do that is by gaining advertisers. I’m not in a place in my life where I want to try new things just for the hell of it. I’m comfortable with the outlet I’ve chosen to work with and being comfortable isn’t such a bad thing. I told him I planned on continuing my writing career and he politely admitted that he was indeed looking for a sales person, but that at the very least he’d pass my resume along to the editor in chief of the magazine.

I thought I might regret this decision. I thought I wanted to be the girl who “could do it all.” I was wrong. I want to do what I do well, and for that to happen, I need to focus entirely on writing. The fact that my heart told me to be brave and admit it wasn’t what I was looking for was a big step for me; my heart usually isn’t so outspoken. Because of this I know that I’ll be able to communicate when it comes to my work. The confidence in my writing will shine through when it comes to selling my writing.

I turned down money that we could all certainly use in this day and age, and I don’t regret it one bit.

That’s a good feeling right there.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dealing With Reality- Life Insurance

I’m a pretty inquisitive person. I like to know what’s going on in the world around me, and I like to know how I’ll be affected by the economy. Recently I’ve had more questions than answers, and last week I decided I was fed up with not understanding one issue in particular: life insurance. It just so happens that my husband, Paul, is an agent with The New York Life firm here in Wichita, and was the perfect one to satisfy my need for knowledge. I sat him down one night and let him have it: I asked him everything I’ve ever wanted to know about life insurance.

Now, I didn’t have a whole lot of know-how on the subject to begin with, so he was patient with me, as I imagine he is with his clients who have never interacted with an insurance professional before. The conversation lasted more than two hours and I’ve never been more intrigued. Sipping wine that night after dinner, he gave me insight as to where some of our hard earned money was going.

First, though, I wanted to verify that the purpose of Life Insurance was to make sure your loved ones were taken care of should anything happen to you. I was mostly correct, but he made sure to tell me about the different kinds, and what people need in different situations. Turns out there are Term Life, Whole Life and Universal Life policies available, and depending on your financial status and market interaction, one could be better for you than the other.
After I felt fairly confident I could explain to someone else the differences between the three, I asked THE question:

“Why would anyone spend the money on life insurance, especially if they don’t exactly have extra cash laying around, when chances are nothing is going to happen to them?”

He took a sip of his wine, re-filled my glass, and answered:

“Well, it’s something a lot of people avoid. Seriously, who likes to think about death? But it’s very important; just ask those who have been diagnosed with a terminal disease or ask their families who have been left struggling to pay bills. Your biggest priority should be that your family can continue their lives should anything happen. Imagine, as painful as it may be, life without the people you love most in the world in it. Do you want to buy your daughter’s wedding dress, even if you’re not physically there to swipe your card? Do you want to be a wife or husband who can still provide for your family if your life is cut short? Do you want to be a grandparent who leaves an endowment for your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren? Or what about an aunt or uncle who helps their niece or nephew buy their first house? Have you thought about setting up an education fund for your kids? If you have dreams of doing any of that, you need to sit down with a professional and think seriously about life insurance.”

He stopped to swirl the contents of his glass, and I took the chance to slip in another question:

“But aren’t there other things you can do with your cash to make smart decisions for the future?”

“Oh yea, there are tons of options.”

“Like what, investing in the stock market or put money toward your 401K? Well, with the economy like it is, I personally don’t feel real good about throwing my money to the dogs, and I don’t know many people who really understand their 401K’s anyway.”

“Keep in mind that all investments (savings, life insurance, etc) are like building a financial house. You must start with a very strong foundation, which is protection. This protection is life insurance, or anything you wouldn’t be able to afford if the worst were to happen. Next, you want liquidity, which are checking, savings and money market accounts and whatnot that you can access immediately for little emergencies or opportunities. For example, a vacation, a new car, house repairs and so on. Finally, you need a strong retirement plan and to be honest with you, the younger you start putting money into one the better off you’ll be in the end.”

“Okay, so what you’re saying is that the first thing to do is protect yourself, then save up a little, then strategically place your money and potentially earn more by doing that?”

“Yup. What you ultimately want to do is diversify your money, but it all depends on your age and your financial situation. The more you put away today, the less worrying you’ll have to do about how your stocks are performing versus your other investments, should it come to that. A great place to start investing your money is with life insurance. But everyone’s different, so I’d definitely recommend talking to someone before making any decisions.”

“Okay, so you never answered my question about the stock market. Is now a good time to be playing around in it?” I wasn’t going to let him off the hook that easily.

“If you’ve got all your other bases covered, then absolutely. I don’t think there’s a bad time to be in the stock market if you’re smart about it. There are also things like a traditional IRA, or a Roth IRA that can be key elements to your financial security. But if you’ve got other things to worry about and it would be difficult for you to recover from a loss then you’ll probably want to focus on your protection and liquidity.”

I carefully examined my wine glass as a method of hesitation before asking my next question; I was unsure of how he’d take it.

“So… one of my co-workers told me the other day that she’ll get life insurance later, when she’s more financially stable. What should I tell her?”

“The biggest problem in the life insurance and investments industry is the lack of understanding and the assumption that you can always take care of it later. But let me tell you something: by then it will be too late. To get life insurance, you go through a process by which your health is tested, and you’re rated according to the results. The younger you are, the healthier you are, and the better rates you’ll get when applying for a policy. Now is also the time to take advantage of a retirement plan; you’re nimble and can recover from stock fluctuations and housing market crashes like the one the country’s dealing with right now. Plus a lot of companies offer a matching program, where they match what you put into your retirement plan, essentially doubling your money. But young people need insurance more than anyone. Protect what you’re working so hard for and protect those who care about you. Do it while you’re young and healthy, otherwise you’ll end up paying a much higher price, or worse, be un-insurable. Your co-worker may think she’s being smart by not making another purchase, but the second something happens to her, she’ll change her mind.”

“That’s kind of harsh, don’t you think?” I snorted, sure there was another way to put it so that I wouldn’t sound like a snide ‘I told you so’ kind of person.

“Well, it’s harsh reality you’re dealing with here. You will use it; you will die, it’s a fact. But life insurance is also a great investment tool; not all life policies have to be used upon death, and many can be used prior to death. It’s one of the best investments you can make.”

“What about when you buy a house? Does life insurance have anything to do with that?”

“First of all, congratulations on making a very smart decision. The purchase of a house, if done correctly, is another of the best investments you can make. Always keep in mind the protection, not just house insurance, is important. If you’re buying a house by yourself, what burden will you leave your family if you pass away? If you’re married or have a significant other, do you want them to be able to stay in the house if you are no longer there? Do you want them to at least have the option? Those are all things to think about when you buy a home.”

“And when you have a baby?” I asked, thinking about our potentially upcoming big expense a couple years down the road.

“Always a good time to re-evaluate how much you have in your policy. Many times people think they have enough, but when they sit down and do the math on how much they spend on their mortgage, car payments, trips, school expenses, and the like, they realize they wouldn’t have enough to cover those expenses should something dire happen to them. Something I see a lot of is individuals who only have life insurance through their companies. What happens after a lay-off? The insurance is gone, too. Then what? I talk to many people who think they have enough invested in life insurance, but often times $50,000 or $100,000 policies don’t go as far as they’d think. You want to make sure you have more than enough to compensate for your annual income when choosing an amount for your policy. When you add a new bundle of joy to your family, it’s a good idea to re-evaluate what you’d like your protection to be.”

At that point I felt like telling everyone I know to go out and invest their money in life insurance. But for those of you out there who have more questions and want them answered, here’s what I would suggest: at the end of the day you should remember that finding a trustworthy financial professional is key. You need to do your research, and find out the company’s policies on things like investment products, life insurance and fixed accounts. Two reputable companies here in town are New York Life and Northwestern Mutual. They’re mutual companies, which means their ownership base is made of customers. Can’t go wrong there. Also remember the popular cliché: “Cheaper isn’t always better”. Just because one company will offer you a cheap policy doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting the most for your money. Find out how they compare to other companies and take the time to get to know the individual you’d be working with before trusting your finances with them.

Keep in mind, your protection and retirement are the most important decisions you will ever make; even more so than who you marry, what house you buy and what job you have. Everyone’s investment needs are different, so the advice you hear from a friend or neighbor might not pertain exactly to you and yours. So talk to somebody. Might bring you peace of mind.

**Reach Financial Professional Paul Wemmer at He's with New York Life and would be happy to sit down with you and answer your questions!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Little Things In Life

Maybe it's the joy in my renewed motivation to achieve my career goals. Maybe it's the Hope glinting in everyone's eyes as of Jan 20, 2009. Maybe it's that my horoscope for today says: Positive energy is all around you now, and it's protecting you from any bad energy. Maybe it's a combination of these things that has caused me to stop and be thankful for the elements of my life that let me enjoy these pieces of happiness. Or maybe it all started yesterday...

My husband is an agent for New York Life. He frequently meets with people who have had it tough and are now trying to put the pieces together. Last night, Paul met with one such woman, whose story was both heartbreaking and uplifting. Her husband of 61 years had passed away, leaving her with financial matters she didn't understand. Her kids were grown and doing well financially, but couldn't provide insight as to how their father organized their assets.

"He did it all." she said, tears threatening to spill at any minute. She was referring to their money management.

"That's why we're here, ma'am, to help you sort this all out." Paul offered.

And then, as if she hadn't heard him at all, she recollected a memory shared with her husband years ago.

"We were crazy, adventurous newlyweds, not like our friends," she began. "We bought our first house and oh, it was a little old thing, but it was ours. We stayed in that house for 20 years, and my favorite part about it was the entrance hallway. The walls on both sides were covered floor to ceiling of pictures and memories we'd shared as a family during those 20 years. Andy, he's our oldest boy, framed his first baseball uniform, along with a photo of his team. Elen, our only daughter, was quite the artist at the young age of 4... even a piece of my veil was framed and hung.

"We did everything together, my husband and I. We were really two peas in a pod. You hear people saying that their spouse is their other half, but boy, he really was my other half."

Her voice faded at that point, and according to Paul it looked as though there was a light shining in her eyes, one that showed how special and important those memories were to her. How lucky she must feel to have experienced such love, such joy, such satisfaction.

Two hours after the conclusion of that meeting Paul arrived at my office, which is a place he's stepped foot in only once before, long ago. He was carrying the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen; their scent filled the room like none I've smelled before. He kissed me on the cheek, told me I was the most important thing in the world to him, and that he doesn't tell me often enough how lucky he is to have me. He told me the story of his new friend before leaving just as quickly as he'd come.

There's nothing quite like an unexpected visit from the only man who makes me giddy like a young girl time after time- even at the mere thought of him! The thing is, he makes those little gestures all the time and I don't even think he realizes it. We don't have a family yet, but there will come a time when we, too, are hanging our memories on the wall, mingling the precious moments we share alone with the moments when our kids take our breath away.

So, in conclusion to my tangent-filled thought process, each and every time I smell those flowers, or even catch a glimpse of them, I'm reminded to be thankful for those little things in life. I'm thankful for the breath I'm taking, the computer I'm typing on, the phone that hasn't stopped ringing all morning, my little sister on the other line, the work I'm responsible for today, and the husband who is going to help that lady whose world has been turned upside down in the wake of her husbands death.

This appreciation has encouraged me to not take life for granted, and motivated me to reach higher than I've ever reached to where those goals hover. Everyone inspires me in some way, whether it's what to do or what not to do.

Passion is the greatest emotion.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Making it as a Freelance Writer

Although "Freelance Writing" is technically half of my profession, I'm wondering what it will take to make it my full-time career. It takes a lot of self-promoting, and recently I've discovered hundreds of others who are aiming to do the exact same thing. In the midst of this realization, I came across some soul-searching questions. Once I break into the industry, how much monetary potential is there, really? Is an on-line portfolio honestly that important? Finally, is my dream of working from home full-time unrealistic? In this post I'll attempt to explore each of these questions to give not only myself but other writers insight as to how it all works.

A general google search landed me on Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen's blog, where she has skillfully combined two very intriguing topics into one article: Twitter and Freelance Writing. This is part of what overwhelmed me- I realized that there are so many other people out there who have the same intentions I have (boosting popularity of my own blog using social media just to get my name out there); how am I possibly going to set myself apart from the masses? I mean, it can only be done so many ways, and good writing can be found increasingly more often these days, it seems. Before long, agents and editors will have seen it all. What then?

I read on a discussion board that publishing jobs are in decline and you can't expect to make $50K in your first year out of school like you might be able to in other industries. I'm farther out of school than one year, but I've only recently decided that freelance writing is my destiny. Don't tell me I've missed my chance! So after panicking slightly, I read on. Apparently the only way to survive in this industry is to take writing into your own hands and generate income. *Sigh of relief.* But it still doesn't tell me how. Apparently experienced freelance writers are not incredibly willing to share their secrets of success, unless of course, you want to pay $300 for a class or e-course, which at this point, I don't. I understand where they're coming from, though, because this experience is not easy to obtain, and if they had to work their butts off to find success, why shouldn't everyone else? Through monitoring discussion boards and asking a few questions of my own, I stumbled upon some answers.

Trade magazines. As far as breaking into a freelance career goes, this seems to be a good place to look for work. There is less competition and they often pay the same as other mags. The chance for a steady flow of work is greater because once the trade editors see that you understand the magazine from a business point of view as opposed to a consumer's standpoint they're more likely to hire you again and again. Finally, you don't have to worry about your work being edited 18 different times by an editorial board. At some pubs the finished product isn't at all what you started out with. I found a particularly helpful interview with Pat Curry here.

Now, I'm going to bite my tongue before I reveal the next piece of advice I found partly because I just criticized experienced writers for not giving up their secrets. However in the small market that is Wichita, KS, I'm going to first explore my options in writing for local businesses and then tell you how it goes. Actually, doing it that way will allow me to provide more helpful information anyway. This will be interesting because a sales person I am not. I am much more comfortable behind the scenes (which is why I WRITE), but is there a place in this industry for my personality? I do know that some writers have done business by communicating entirely through e-mail; this is very appealing and convenient for me. Update later. :)

Now, to get to the ever popular idea of social media as a means of networking. Freelancers everywhere want to know if having profiles on Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn are really that imperative to finding new work. So far, the consensus seems to be that while LinkedIn is strictly professional, networks such as Facebook and MySpace serve a social gratification purpose; that is, not much work actually comes from them. However, if used correctly (keeping personal information to a minimum and befriending only those who might directly benefit your cause) could put you in touch with someone who might someday need the services you provide. As for me, I plan on beefing up this blog a little, utilizing my LinkedIn profile more often, and keeping up with my Twitter friends. After all, you're more likely to be recommended by a friend because people trust people they know. In addition, the whole world is online and while the age-old tradition of face-to-face lunching might be going by the wayside, much networking is done via the web.

Finally, I have wondered if a full-time freelancing career from my home will really pay the bills. It's all about how much time and energy you spend marketing yourself. One freelancer makes $250K writing freelance, speaking, and teaching classes. While I don't necessarily think that's the exact route I'll take in pursuing my dream, it's certainly comforting to know that serious money is indeed possible.

In today's economy, publications everywhere are cutting back. As I explore the ins and outs of freelancing, I'll continue to update on the tricks I learn, the truths I discover, and the hardships I encounter. I'll also be sure to pass along names of those individuals I find particularly helpful along the way. It's a learning experience for all, but I'm bound and determined to reach my goals of freelancing full-time from my home.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Lasting Memory: Celine Dion In KC

Let me just say this about my Celine Dion concert experience this past weekend: I can't believe I don't have pictures. My friend and I decided (for once) to abide by the rules and not take our cameras into the Sprint Center for fear of having them taken away.


We were so close- the 13th row; I could see every expression on her face. The worst part is that everyone else seemed to know the rules were breakable and brought their cameras in. I'll forever remember it in my head, but in a frame would be so much better! I broke the bank for this ticket; who knows if I'll be able to have that experience again in the future?

I've idolized Celine since I was a little girl. I think her voice, her personality, and passion is all something to envy. It must be so easy to get caught up in the stardom, but she never seems to do so. Her songs are great fun to sing, and there's a tune for every occasion, truly.

I do realize that I sound like a teenager with an obsession, but I'm really a 24 year old with great respect and admiration.

I did feel a bit giddy when she came out on stage, though. I won't lie. :) After all, who doesn't like to feel like a kid again?

Friday, January 2, 2009

Social Media and Millenials

My dog is trained to get the newspaper from the end of the driveway every morning. But it's more her thing than mine; I then set it on the counter top and forget about it.

There are four years between my husband and I, and in the realm of relationships that might not seem like a lot, but when you look at the generational wall standing between us our media preferences become clear.

I am a Millennial while he is of Gen X. The line is thin, but it is there. I rarely watch the news; I am online constantly getting my information from RSS feeds, blogs, and e-mail updates from my favorite local and national sources. He, on the other hand, chooses to sit down and read the paper in the morning and have the television on in the background throughout his day. I have no need for a hard copy of the paper... everything can be done online and what's more, updates are sent to me as they happen. I know there was a shooting on the other side of town mere minutes after it occurred. Although I have no interest in beat reporting, I have adapted the mindset of "quicker is better".

So on that note, my morning to-do list includes logging on or signing in to Facebook, MySpace, twitter, yahoo e-mail, my blog, and typically These remain up on my browser all day long and I'm amazed at how I manage to stay productive at work while continually flipping back and forth, keeping myself updated. There are several uses for these social networking tools, including both personal and professional. I know exactly what my friend Katie is doing right now, but I also know what my editor is working on- helpful in every sense of the word.

The face of media is changing; not only are newspapers on their way to extinction, but media personalities are not what they once were. Thanks to the likes of Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, the general population (or at least those who are tech savvy enough to have an account on these outlets) can see what their favorite (or least favorite) news anchor is doing at any given moment, see who they partied with on New Year's Eve and what they wore to dinner last night. Where as they used to be faces behind a news desk who told us the happenings of the city, they are now people we feel we know personally. On the one hand, this could add to their credibility because we tend to trust people we know. On the other hand, it could take away from their credibility if we decide we don't like who they are off-screen. For me, it makes them seem more approachable and personable; tapers down their "celebrity status". As the popularity of Twitter grows increasingly each day, it'll be interesting to see the social results of knowing what mood your news anchor is in 20 minutes before he/she appears on camera with a genuine (or is it?)smile.

It's not only that social media is blowing up everywhere that has my interest piqued. I'm also devastated to hear the projected fate of magazines. Although I'm tuned in online, I also adore the idea of reading print magazines. The dailies have failed to keep my interest, but the monthlies still have tremendous value to me through their editorial content; which is most interesting of all in my eyes. It's what I like to write, read, and analyze. I like looking at the layout of each page, the quality of the pictures, the font of the feature article, everything. It's a break from the ever-lovin buzz words that are damn near impossible to keep up with anyway.

USA Today mentioned in an article a few years ago that Millennials are famous for multi-tasking, and that is the essence of what we do. We are completely comfortable with chatting on Skype, checking e-mail, uploading new photos to Flickr, and updating our status on Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace while having a perfectly normal conversation on the phone with our unsuspecting mother who, if she ever found out we weren't giving her our undivided attention would launch into an entirely different lecture than the one she's currently spitting out.

There is much more to analyze regarding social media, but I will at least say this: It is time consuming, completely loaded with information and absolutely thrilling. To know that you can reach a mass audience in less than a minute and get your message across through so many different (and ever-changing) outlets is fascinating.