Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Twitter Naked

Twitter is exposed.

I stumbled across this blog, and now I finally have the words to express to everyone who asks me exactly what Twitter is and what it can do. If you have had the same problem, go here:

and you'll find the solution. :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Great Places to Look for Insight

Getting started freelancing is tough. Especially when you don't have the patience to, well, be patient. In my case, trying to build business while maintaining a full-time job is proving to be more difficult each day, so I'm constantly looking for good advice from people who have been there, done that. Earlier in the year, I was sure that every single writing professional was determined to keep their secrets of success to themselves, but after much digging and link-following, I'm happy to report that's not the case. They're out there, and they really do want to help.

A Publication Coach.
Recently I was introduced to the idea of a life coach... and stumbled across a publication coach instead. Her name is Daphne Gray-Grant and her website, newsletter and free articles are jam-packed with valuable information. She'll provide tips on writing better, faster. She's got a great background in the industry; she literally grew up in the newspaper business. She's doing what she loves, and therefore puts her heart and soul into her work. It's inspiring, among other things!

Quips and Tips.
Talk about being stuffed with information! Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen's site is, as I've stated before, the first place I go when I need advice about the freelance business. Not only does she cite reliable sources of many reference books, but she puts them in her own words and applies the advice directly to her readers. I have purchased several of the books she recommends and they have all proven useful. Her site is easy to navigate, and better yet, each link leads me to great inspiration. She doesn't generalize information; here you'll find specific examples of how to better yourself as a writer.

Keep up on the latest industry news at while reading loads of useful content. Job postings are great to scroll through, and while most of them don't apply directly to me, it still helps to see what employers/editors are looking for with certain positions. There are endless How-To-Pitch articles that tell you exactly what certain publications are looking for, what pitches have worked in the past, and how much they typically pay per article. There are interviews with successful media professionals and community forums where you can post a question and have it answered by other knowledgeable members.

These are the three core places I go for information and advice, pretty much on a daily basis. Like I mentioned before, it's difficult to weed through the unreliable information and find the good stuff but it's obvious when you've landed real advice. You can tell from the background of your sources, and how specific they get with their information. If they generalize, you know they don't have hard examples to share with you... they could just be getting their information from someone else online who hasn't a clue what they're talking about to begin with.

I Just Ate A Cracker With Tuna Salad On It.

Okay, I’ll jump on board with the whole Twitter thing. I think it’s great for networking purposes and sharing an occasional thought or link to something you found interesting. I’ll tell you what I won’t do, though, and that’s post every single little thought that passes through my head, including what I ate for lunch, how my stomach felt after that lunch, and what I’m doodling on my notepad at this very second. I also won’t tell you what shows I plan on watching tonight, nor will I tell you if my PJ’s have scratchy material.

I understand that it’s everyone’s right to post what they want, but the blogsphere is saturated with crap, and it’s getting harder everyday to find valuable, insightful, real information. So I’m asking, in genuine curiosity, what do you people DO for a living? Judging by the amount of time you spend Tweeting and posting on your personal blog, you can’t have much left over for actual work… unless you’ve found a way to get paid for Tweeting and the ad revenue you’re bringing in from your site is out of this world… but I doubt it.

Sorry for the rant, but prove me wrong! Help educate me, because I’m beginning to wonder what the cyber world has come to. Here I am trying my hardest to succeed as a legitimate freelance professional, and when I try to reach out to expand my platform and network there's all this interference from people who feel the need to Tweet (while driving) that they're about to be stopped at a red light. Seriously? Maybe I just need to start unfollowing... a lot of people.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Back From The Dead

I know it's been a while since I've posted... some of my creative outlets were cut off at work... and on top of that my workload has increased threefold. I know, it's a good thing, right? It is. But I also know that I feel like I've been cut off from an entire world of people I don't even know by not having access to Twitter and this blog site during the day. It's a hindrance to my personal success!! I never thought I'd see the day when I would admit that I need Twitter! That's a whole other post in itself.

I have some new ideas for future posts, and plan to go live with them very soon. Included in my ideas are- advice for raising Vizlas (mine, at the moment, has seized a headband of mine and is parading around the house like it's a first place trophy) the process of sticking to a six week workout program and seeing results in time for one of my best friends' wedding, my real feelings about the AP Style book, my progress delving into the freelance world and balancing online work with local work and a completely separate full time job, and last but certainly not least, a book review.

I'll post again soon- don't give up on me my few followers! I promise from here on out, I'll post consistently. That means real information, and unique information. Stay tuned.