Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Staying Home On NYE??
Back in the day.
The last time I felt that way I was a junior in high school, had broken up with my boyfriend for the first time (he and I would make a habit of doing that down the road) and my girlfriends were everything to me. I was threatened with social expulsion when my mom grounded me for being 3 minutes late for curfew. Our family was in absolute turmoil at that point; my mom had just caught my dad having an affair and the divorce was in full swing. My two younger sisters were just 13 and 9; they didn't have much of a social life yet. But for me, being around people was my outlet and I thought I might crumble up and die without it.
To this day I remember how completely heartbroken I was at the thought of having to stay home. It was a horrible feeling, like being punched in the gut. My mom just didn't understand. As it turned out I survived, but only because my mom was too exhausted to care whether or not I went out by the time NYE actually rolled around.
Then I went through the stage of wanting to be seen by everyone once I turned 21. I simply had to be at a bar that year- this was during my phase of "Anything Could Happen!". I was enthralled with the feeling that came with the beginning of an evening. I was unattached to any one boy, and going to a new place meant new people and exciting new memories. There were endless possibilities: I could make eye contact with someone from across the room and flirt all night long, someone could ask me to dance and that might lead to my obsession of whatever song we danced to, I might strike up a conversation with someone to whom I wouldn't previously had the courage to utter a single word. I might meet the most interesting person who just happened to be at the same place at the same time and would indulge me with stories of their hometown, previous relationships and plans for the future. I might meet my future husband, or my next ex-boyfriend. Anything could happen.
Then I met Paul, and I didn't care where I was on NYE as long as I was with him. We were infatuated with life and each other and that made things incredibly simple. We've since been together nearly 5 years and tackled quite a bit during that time: My graduation from college, several trips around the country, one trip out of the country (China, but that's for another blog entry!), an engagement, a wedding, buying our first house, bringing home our first puppy, a one year anniversary and new jobs.
It's New Year's Eve afternoon, and I've done all I can to convince Paul that staying home together is the best option for us. Guess I've grown up, huh? We've been invited to several get-togethers and parties for tonight, some of which are a little appealing but out of our way and ultimately inconvenient and dangerous. The options we have on our side of town include a chic bar down the street or a get-together at one of my friends' house. Paul's idea of New Year's Eve does not involve staying home and curling up in front of the fire, but being social. The conversation between us has yet to be had. Who will win? Wife who wants to bring in the new year with our puppy between us snuggled warmly on the couch or Husband who wants to bring in the new year smooching in front of a camera while holding up a champagne glass for a party-wide toast?
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Year Comes To An End

So, it's here again. The beginning of a new year always prompts us to set goals and ultimately better ourselves. I don't know about everyone else, but I rarely spend time reflecting on the goals, or resolutions, if you will, I've set in the past. I always feel good around January when I'm motivated and determined to make some headway on my path to sucess, but it's not uncommon to have completely forgotten about that path by April or May. Like the picture describes, I end up spending more time doing that than working toward my goal of being able to run that 7:15 mile. There's also a half marathon goal in there somewhere, along with about 4 books I have in mind. Working full time with a job on the side doesn't leave me much time to be wonder woman. But there I go making excuses again. Maybe it's time I sit down and analyze why these "goals" always seem to go by the wayside a couple months in. Anyone have any ideas to keep this motivation up throughout the year? The only thing I can come up with to act as a constant reminder is to put pictures on my bathroom mirror. But then I'd have to take them down if I was expecting company... I'd love some outside help on this one.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Football Loving Ladies
I have been a Denver Bronco's loving lady for years and years. I give credit to my dad since he's been a fan since the beginning of time. But as I grew up and developed my own likes and dislikes, the Broncos remained one of my stronger likes and I'm now a full-fledged super-fan. I don't know the responsibilities of every single position, and occasionally have to ask my husband about a ruling on the field, but I have pretty exclusive general knowledge on this sport which I didn't grow up playing.
I don't even play it now... but usually those are the circumstances under which I know everything about a sport. I was extremely lucky when I married Paul; another passionate Denver fan. Although our lives haven't exactly lead us to Denver, we've seriously considered it and haven't ruled it out for the future. I'm the only one of the six girls in my closest circle who follow the NFL. Granted three of the others follow college ball since they attended Kansas State University, but it's just not the same. I haven't run across many female NFL lovers in my experience, and I also encounter some skepticism from the dudes when they hear that I not only write about sports, work at The Golf Warehouse, and have a huge not-so-secret crush on Jay Cutler. They look at me with raised eyebrows until they hear what I have to say, and then they might, just maybe, give me a little credit. It's usually not until I mention a pick-six that they accept my knowledge and start using football lingo around me. But that's okay. I typically get along with guys easier than girls, so I've learned how to make them comfortable with that fact.
I love our household: when the game's on nothing else around my house gets done. Instead of me telling my husband that it's okay for him to watch the game with a beer on the couch while I make dinner, we're side by side with our jersey's on, screaming at every first down and debating every call. We don't answer the phone because we want to give this team our undivided attention. Yup, that's my passion! It might seem weird to some that I'm a jersey wearin, cuss-word screamin, ass slappin football fan on Sunday, and on Monday I step into my stilettos and play businesswoman, like the transition is only natural. I wouldn't have it any other way.