So, it's here again. The beginning of a new year always prompts us to set goals and ultimately better ourselves. I don't know about everyone else, but I rarely spend time reflecting on the goals, or resolutions, if you will, I've set in the past. I always feel good around January when I'm motivated and determined to make some headway on my path to sucess, but it's not uncommon to have completely forgotten about that path by April or May. Like the picture describes, I end up spending more time doing that than working toward my goal of being able to run that 7:15 mile. There's also a half marathon goal in there somewhere, along with about 4 books I have in mind. Working full time with a job on the side doesn't leave me much time to be wonder woman. But there I go making excuses again. Maybe it's time I sit down and analyze why these "goals" always seem to go by the wayside a couple months in. Anyone have any ideas to keep this motivation up throughout the year? The only thing I can come up with to act as a constant reminder is to put pictures on my bathroom mirror. But then I'd have to take them down if I was expecting company... I'd love some outside help on this one.
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